Have you ever seen this symbol? Did you know that it is a reminder to behave yourself?

The chances are you have already seen the Faravahar symbol on necklaces or in history books. But did you know it is also said to help people live good lives?
What does the Faravahar symbol stand for?
The Faravahar symbol represents the closeness of Iran to Europe as far as ethics and ways of thinking are concerned. It also symbolises immortality and the enhancement of the soul after death.
Furthermore, the Faravahar symbol is said to give you the power to choose your destiny and be responsible for your deeds. Plus, it is associated with good thoughts and good words.
Let’s analyse the meaning behind each element of the Faravahar symbol to embrace its meaning:
• The old man: At the centre of the symbol stands an old man. He represents the wisdom of age.
• The hands: The old man’s hands have a precise meaning. One hand indicates that there is just one right direction you can take in life. The other hand holds a ring, which epitomises faithfulness and loyalty. The round shape is significant too. It represents the ability of Iranians to keep promises.
• The wings: The two wings are divided into three parts, which convey the message: “Good thoughts, good words, and good deeds.” This means that when you do good things you improve your life.
• The tail: The lowest part of the symbol delivers the opposite message: “Bad reflection, bad words and bad deeds”.
• The two loops: The loops in the lower part of the symbol represent the struggle between positive and negative forces. It tells you to follow positive things and turn your back on negative things.
• The central ring: The central ring represents the eternal nature of the universe. It symbolises that there is no beginning and no end.
The history behind the Faravahar symbol
Faravahar is a symbol very dear to ancient Iranians. Despite deriving from the ancient Persian religion Zoroastrianism, nowadays it has lost its religious significance and is considered a cultural symbol.
Faravahar means ‘guardian angel’ and represents life after death. It says that if you behave well during your life on earth you will be compensated with a good life after death.
Today this meaning has been extended to everyday life.
In short, the Faravahar symbol reminds us that if we think good thoughts and speak good words we will be good people with satisfying lives.